furries in schools in maine

Should Trump be allowed to hold office again? He said for months schools and the PSB have received phone calls and emails about the issue. Ilyse Hogue, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, does not doubt the willingness of the Thomas More Society or other anti-abortion forces to stick with a strategy for years, even decades, until theyre successful. Lisa Hansen asked other parents to join her to . According to Kentucky NBC affiliate WLWT, parents and students alike are concerned about a group of high school students in the Meade County School district "attending school. In a Dec. 1, 2020, press conference, Kline talked about Amistads efforts to uncover fraud, saying it had attorneys in virtually every swing state that are working on our behalf.. Let's hocdauthau.com learn more about Litter boxes in schools for furries in maine in this article. In late November 2020 in Michigan, which Biden won, Amistad attorney Ian Northon petitioned the state Supreme Court to take control of all ballots to allow for a constitutionally sound audit of lawful votes and give the state Legislature time to finish its constitutionally-mandated work to pick Michigans electors.. In one such rebuke, a judge concluded that the real goal of a Thomas More attorneys request was the undermining of a democratic election for President of the United States.. Furries are a subculture of people who craft alter-egos as anthropomorphized animals. They called their initiative the Amistad Project, a reference to an 1839 mutiny aboard a slave ship of that name. Five cities embroiled in suits brought by Thomas More then abandoned their support for the boxes and the cases were dismissed. In fact, chatter about litter boxes and doggie bowls display a misunderstanding about the furry community, which eats and poops like everyone else, says Sharon Roberts, an associate professor at the University of Waterloo and member of the academic research team Furscience. But that doesnt mean he agrees with the decision, he said. They were blocked by police. Lawyers for the society, in recent years, also have brought legal action opposing vaccine mandates, gay marriage and transgender rights. It was chosen in 2019 as the School of the Year by the Maine Environmental Education Association for its well-regarded learning opportunities for students. He brought it to us. Rumours of a school accommodating a "furry" caused a flurry first in the United States, then it made its way to Canada. Furries make a convenient target for people looking to lash out at marginalized identities, particularly the LGBT community, which has a higher-than-average representation among furries, OFurr noted. The legal nonprofit once sided with a Wisconsin pharmacist who refused to fill a birth control prescription on religious grounds. And I am really disturbed by that., Michigan GOP co-chair Meshawn Maddock soon amplified the cat scat claims. PORTLAND, Maine Three Portland Public Schools staff members have resigned and two have been verbally warned as a result of an investigation into allegations of misconduct from students within the district. Fargo, Moorhead and West . The Election Transparency Initiative is a project, in part, of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which works to elect anti-abortion lawmakers. But with a fixation on nonexistent litter boxes and lunch tables, the furry panic turns a thriving subculture into a cudgel against public schools and their students. May. The 23-page blueprint calls on legislatures to set up bipartisan standing committees that would issue a report recommending whether to certify election results. You are reading: "Litter boxes in schools for furries in maine". As a contributor to the USA Today network put it, "Ladapo is emerging as a central player in the governor's outreach to vaccine skeptics and opponents who now form a stunningly large part of the GOP's national voter base.". The first notable instance of furry panic occurred when right-wing activists pushed a false claim about schools in Michigan placing litter boxes in bathrooms to allow furry students to use. READ MORE: The inherent racism of anti-vaxx movements. I heard him say, Leave my kid out of this. Two administrators from the school broke up this interaction and shuffled the four aggressors out of the building, and then asked the father if he was alright. The furry fandom is NOT all about sex. the impossibility of using a toilet in a fursuit, has traced the origins of the litter box urban legend, I sexually identify as an attack helicopter. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be catastrophic not only to our health - mental and physical - but also to the stability of millions of people. The turmoil led to the recent resignation of the countys well-respected elections director, Lisa Marra, who said she was disparaged and harassed as she refused to comply with the efforts. Im of the mind, if it aint bad, dont fix it, he said. Going forward, the team plans to work on various election fronts, including preventing ineligible people from voting, according to the memo the society provided to ProPublica. Furries are a fandom, like anime, Star Trek or . In the 2020 webinar, Brejcha described the societys crossover into election lawyering as a natural progression of its work opposing what it considers government abuse of religious freedom, such as the forced closing of churches during COVID-19 lockdowns. The Daily Beast reports that in "Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, and Iowa in recent months, school board meetings have been disrupted by allegations that educators are giving special treatment to furry students.". The "litter boxes in schools" hoax (also called the litter box canard) is a false rumor alleging that certain North American schools provide litter boxes in bathrooms for students who "identify as cats", or who participate in the furry or otherkin subcultures. In short, it was a big scam.. According to Kentucky NBC affiliate WLWT, parents and students alike are concerned about a group of high school students in the Meade County School district attending school acting like and dressing as cats. One woman who spoke to the outlet, the grandmother of two children who attend the high school, said the trend began last year, but seemed to become more popular when students returned to classes in August. (WFRV) - A viral video of a UW-Oshkosh professor and a Wisconsin talk show host is causing some school districts in Wisconsin to respond to alleged 'Furry . Amelia McMillan, a parent in the Pennsylvania district, recognized the four people. Yuma County in 2019 shifted most election authorities under the recorder. In January 2022, for example, unfounded rumors were circulated on social media . March 8, 2022 A TikTok video of a mother at a school boarding meeting went viral in which she says she heard Michigan schools were providing litter boxes for furries students who identify. Screenshot from video. No, a teacher did not get fired for failing to "meow back" at a student who identifies as a cat. One month after Jefferson County school administrators denied that kids were dressing up as so-called "furries" at school, CBS News Colorado has obtained emails showing the district was aware. Privacy Policy | For corrections contact corrections@rawstory.com, for support contact support@rawstory.com. Multiple litter box hoaxes make explicit reference to gender-neutral litter boxes (a parallel to battles over gender-affirming bathroom choices in schools) or claim that students identify as furries (a phrasing uncommon in furry media, but with parallels to how conservative media often describes transgender youth). It's frustrating that it turned political rather than what's best for the kids at school.". NBC News agreed to keep their last names private due to their fear of. They were yelling at him about his kid being a furry, McMillan told The Daily Beast. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. But the rumor metastasized in other states, especially when picked up by conservative voices. Counties arent prevented from doing what they think is right, Fontes said. Despite the court losses, the society considers its assault on the Zuckerberg funds to be a major success because it blazed the trail for two dozen states to ban private funding of election administration, according to the memo Thomas More provided. Stevens helped propel the full hand count against the legal advisement. The superintendent tells WLKY the situation is being addressed, but according to a concerned grandparent, it's an ongoing problem that has many students on edge . As China threatens to invade neighbors, were cringing when someone tells us hes an antelope and we better acknowledge hes got hooves whether or not visible, he opined. What's more, the government worked to educate doctors about their new responsibilities. Ironically, OFurr said, its the rightnot furrieswho wont stop talking about cat shit. The group cited an email someone sent to the board about furries. That allegation wasnt true, either. Even before Marra left, the board had already proposed giving him more control over elections. Want more right-wing news? Social media users are sharing a video of a Midland Public Schools board of education meeting in Michigan where a community member claimed that litter boxes were . Subscribe to Fever Dreams on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon Music or Acast to keep up with the conspiracy-mongers, MAGA acolytes and straight-up grifters. The narrative goes like this: Schools are now so accommodating of. What we shouldn't be promoting is delusion and the idea that personal desire trumps education. Its because they have a strong bond and connection thats rooted in creativity.. The Amistad Project produced an eight-page report titled Set in Stone? in which it argued that the only Electoral College deadline specifically required by the Constitution is noon on January 20, which is Inauguration Day. MIDLAND, Mich. (WILX/Gray News) - A superintendent in Michigan is trying to clear up any misconceptions or rumors about a conspiracy theory regarding students "who identify as cats." According To. Every reader contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference in allowing our newsroom to bring you the stories that matter, at a time when being informed is more important than ever. After the mid-January meeting ended, McMillan said she saw the group corner a local father in a hallway. Healthcare providers are required to report some adverse events, but compliance has historically been spotty. One win erases a dozen losses, she said. Instead, a furry might play-act the role of a cartoon animal, but when nature calls, shell step out of character and remove her costume to use a normal toilet. The memo stated that all other deadlines including the Jan. 6 date for certifying election results were established long ago in federal law for ease of travel and are largely not relevant to a time when electors do not have to ride horses to Washington, D.C. to vote.. But these persistent legal challenges mirror the approaches used in the fight over abortion: Never stop pushing for the cause in court or legislatures. The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. This was the same project that generated the investigation into potential data falsification. The society declined repeated requests from ProPublica for an interview or to answer specific questions. Whether were calling them furries or members of the kin community, I truly do not understand the appeal and I never will. NOW accused him and others of conspiring to close down clinics through extreme measures, including blockades and mob violence; it sought a permanent injunction forbidding the groups from engaging in illegal conduct. They're furious. An unfounded anecdote about kitty litter boxes for role-playing students in public schools is the rumor that just won't quit, and especially in certain political circles. Last week, Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued a meaningless "health alert" to the people of Florida about mRNA covid vaccines. An IRS form shows the Thomas More Society paid Klines firm more than $1.4 million in consulting fees in 2020. Theres always some teen craze that people inevitably blow out of proportion. The judge also expressed shock at the scope of the request to have numerous state and federal election laws declared unconstitutional and an injunction issued that would prevent Pence and Congress from ratifying the electoral votes in key battleground states. Serrano had touted legal efforts supported by Thomas More on Bannons podcast, in December 2020, when he talked about a lawsuit in Washington, D.C., regarding the ecosystem that caused this fraud on a massive level to take place.. Antivax propaganda drives VAERS reports and antivaxers point to increased VAERS reports as proof that the vaccines are dangerous. By October, furry fears were making their way into school board meetings. Thats not to say furries arent in schools. Kline considered the case against him to be political and denied acting unethically. In recent months, it successfully lobbied Ohio lawmakers to enact a strict voter photo ID law. Blogs in Iowa and Idaho promoted the stories this fall, claiming that furry students were either being granted special litter boxes, or were being exempted from homework (cant grip pencil with paws). Send it to The Daily Beasthere. DeSantis is trying to brand himself as the biggest antivax loon in the GOP presidential primary. Representatives of Westfield Washington Schools and the districts in. Kline said he strongly disagreed with the judges opinions and believed the cases were valid. Republican politicians should probably heed that same rule of thumb when it comes to tales of kids identifying as furries. LGBTQNation 10/25/2022. Last week, someone identifying themselves only as an MCHS student started Change.org petition that has so far garnered almost 1,000 signatures, calling out Meade County School District for hypocrisy: Theyre demanding that the district nix their dress code policy against wearing hats if students are allowed to wear animal ears, tails, and leashes. More recently, the Chicago-based organization has embraced a far different but equally divisive undertaking relentlessly questioning the integrity of elections. Republicans furious after Democrat questions 'God-given' rights at House hearing, 'Toxic sludge': Paul Ryan torches Tucker Carlson when questioned about Fox News' election coverage, 'Beyond parody': Critics torch Marjorie Taylor Greene for her latest appeal to Republicans, 'Liar, liar': Joe Biden amuses crowd with quip about Marjorie Taylor Greene, 'Really unacceptable': FBI shredded following new watchdog report, Watch: Anti-drag GOP governor bolts from reporters who unearthed photos of him in drag, This multi-millionaire with a cushy desk job wants you to work until youre 70. I realize we have been advised, we have this letter, oh my gosh, but it doesnt sound like it has enough character or meat, Judd said. Who cares? But it was in Michigans Midland school district, not Central York, that the claims finally caught fire. The first notable instance of furry panic occurred when right-wing activists pushed a false claim about schools in Michigan placing litter boxes in bathrooms to allow furry students to use them, and the bogus rumors about furry infiltration into the public education system have only grown from there. The Maine Community Foundation commended its Makerspace Initiative, which encourages students to design and engineer with 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines and robotics. If clothing is disruptive, district policy gives principals the power to place restrictions on it, this would include students dressing in costume. Long before the Thomas More Society and Kline joined together on election law, they had a different kind of relationship. Kim Patterson, a middle school teacher in rural Howard County, said there are no furries in schools there, either. READ MORE: Sad: Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for attempting to get Adam Kinzinger booted from his committees, In York County, Pennsylvania, for example, Facebook rumors began swirling around among conservative locals warning that furries "could be in your childs classroom hissing at your child and licking themselves.". This is not the first time Ladapo has misused surveillance data to push governor Ron DeSantis's antivax agenda. Patterson is an Indiana State Teachers Association board member. Americans have been left raging after an 11-year-old boy found a sexually explicit book in his middle school library. Masthead | Its culture war, its control, and its not about protecting kids, OFurr explains. an E! Furries allowed to defecate in schools : r/Maine r/Maine 1 yr. ago by Reaper_Survivel Furries allowed to defecate in schools So, my parents were saying that a school board in Skowhegan, or, doesn't really matter, had a meeting to allow kids who identify as furries to defecate and pee in school. The Board of Supervisors for the southern Arizona county voted 2-1 on Tuesday afternoon to transfer the boards election oversight to Stevens, giving up their statutorily-prescribed control over the appointment of the countys elections director, Election Day procedures, ballot counting and presentation of election results. Get browser notifications for breaking News, live events, and exclusive.! The 23-page blueprint calls on legislatures to set up bipartisan standing committees that would issue a report recommending to... Kline considered the case against him to be political and denied acting unethically, like anime, Star or! 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