harry raised by malfoys fanfiction

Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The problem? Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like it if you could put a little note about why you think it's good, please? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Navigating the world of wizards with a strong home base allows Harry to ask important questions like, 'why don't we learn math?' Um futuro assustador e sem esperana fora Hermione e Harry Potter de volta no tempo. The Dursleys went from happy to shock, and I kept getting weaker at the moment because I was starving and tired. On the morning of his 14th birthday, Harry somehow gets a special power to see his relationship status with others. The killings of many upstanding pureblood families to their last members during the war and the Dark Lord's increasingly cruel and violent treatment of his followers made Lucius realize eventually that Voldemort never really cared about purebloods themselves but only about how useful they could be for his goals. He is gone for over 6 years, ignoring all communication from his family and friends. Please consider turning it on! Guest Dannii what would have changed if Lily Potter nee Evens was really Lily Cassiopeia Black, and Harry was born a female named Oriana Potter? *dumbledore, hedwig and snape are all still alive* My aunt loves to call me a "a freak just like your mother!" And watch uncle Vernon beat me up. Now if only his boyfriend would stop torturing them both long enough he could finish his final year and hide in peace so he could hide himself away from the world. ' "Cause there were pages turned with bridges burned so make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. Please watch: "The Life Of Marius de Romanus (Vampire Chronicles)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCQgGPNgzag --~--Raised as their own son, brother to Draco. Harry grows up with at least one loving parent. Regulus Black, last legitimate heir of the house of Black, legally claims the right to raise his brother's godson after the deaths of James and Lily Potter, his lovers. Upload or insert images from URL. AU. Gryffindor!Draco. I went looking for some myself and wound up reading one where Harry is 'adopted,' but then it turned into a Veela!Draco, Mate!Harry fic, which. Not what I was looking for. Second-year, Lucius manages to slip Ginny a diary that would help Voldemort return. The Malfoys tricked the tracking magic and Dumbledore failed to locate Harry. I read one awhile back where Lucius took him in because he had heard of the abuse the Dursleys put him throughand it was so good! When Harry is hit by yet another killing curse, he wakes up years in the past and in an alternate reality. Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080262952:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 17 | Words: 92,126 | Reviews: 155 | Favs: 99 | Follows: 198 | Updated: 1/14 | Published: 9/29/2015 | id: 11533206 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Hurt/Comfort | Download: [EPUB][140220080262952:epub] or [MOBI][140220080262952:mobi] [140220080262952:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140220080262952:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11533206&source=ff&filetype=epub [140220080262952:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11533206&source=ff&filetype=mobi, The Dursleys have never wanted Harry, so when he fortuitously stumbles across a book on Wizard Family Trees, he writes a letter, hoping to find another family to take him in, hopefully one that won't mind when he does 'freaky' stuff.WIP, Site: [Archive of Our Own][140220080342184:site] | Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling | Published: 2015-07-21 | Updated: 2016-09-01 | Words: 161746 | Chapters: 23/? - No Remus no. -There won't be alot of granger mentioned but if Harry go through a inheritance test and finds out that he isn't a half-blood, he is a pureblood wizard. Your link has been automatically embedded. Minion: With the right kind of upbringing, Harry could make for a lifelong minion for Draco. Say what you will about Lucius, but he still hesitates when he sees Draco, fighting side by side with Harry, Sirius, and the other members of the Order, and its this hesitation that provides an opportunity for the Order to escape, at least mostly harm free. The snake is killed. I recently found this one and am on chapter 7 and loving it, if anyone else is interested in similar stories. I don't know how long I was passed out because when I woke up, I found Mrs.Malfoy sitting on a chair right beside me reading a book. when Harry is starts Hogwarts he's put in Slytherin. That thing living with the Dursleys wasn't Harry Potter.How would they defeat Voldemort now? Fourth-year, Draco offers to be a spy for Dumbledore. Fast-forward to September 1st, 1991. I don't remember much else but if an. Why wouldnt a shy, awkward, abused little boy think anything else of the force of nature that adopted all the other shy, awkward, abused little kids? She explained that she used her magic to change Harry's hair color because Draco is excited to have a brother. This isn't a hot take. Fifth-year, Harry and Draco are living with Sirius at Grimmauld Place, which is the safe house for the Order of the Phoenix. My uncle loves beating me up and locking me in the cupboard with no food and water. and 'why hasn't everyone read Hogwarts: A History?' I prefer multi-chapter, but I'll take what I can get. Gracefully. It reminds him of him and James. | Comments: 392 | Kudos: 728 | Bookmarks: 227 | Hits: 16026 | ID: 4393256 | Download: [EPUB][140220080342184:epub] or [MOBI][140220080342184:mobi] [140220080342184:site]: http://www.archiveofourown.org/ [140220080342184:epub]: http://archiveofourown.org/downloads/sp/speculating/4393256/Harrys%20Cousins.epub?updated_at=1472776997 [140220080342184:mobi]: http://archiveofourown.org/downloads/sp/speculating/4393256/Harrys%20Cousins.mobi?updated_at=1472776997. One problem; Narcissa Black only likes women. Sixth-year, Dumbledore starts to groom Harry to understand his connection to Voldemort. Edit: Also, a fic where the Malfoys are not written as abusive or jerks to each other. I always thought that Draco should have acted a bit more ambitious when meeting Harry and tried harder to recruit Harry as an ally than he did. But what if it had been James, not Lily. He wishes that he could be there cheering on his brother, but he cant. Pairings, DM/HP, eventual SS/RL/SB. It was seemingly abandoned but fortunately, the author updated just last March after six years. Dumbledore was desperate to find Harry so he sent out the Hogwarts letters earlier under the pretense of whatever. Narcissa. Who better to train the potential leader of the next movement? And what do you mean, your son" Mrs.Malfoy answer them by saying "well, this is your home now and when you were little, the dark lord didn't know we were having twins, only a boy. One daughter left, one married off, one crazy, one son cast out and one may be dead. Marcados pela guerra, eles ganharam tempo para caar as Horcruxes. Her breath catches in her throat as she bends over the body of her son and realizes that he was still faintly breathing. Harry Potter was just six years old when the abuse in the Dursley home became too much. What if Harry had been rescued from the Dursleys at age six and raised as the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient, etc.? Harry Potter, a young wizard, son to James and Lily. The real Harry, the one who discovers that his name is actually Mirus and was adopted in place of a stillborn Henry Potter, intends to take his revenge. At the end of the year, they infiltrate the Department of Mysteries. Vivendo em guerra, Steve nunca sonhou em ser pai. He knows he can get information out of his parents. But at least Wormtail is captured, as well as a few of the Death Eaters, including Lucius. "Malfoy, I wish I could say the same to you. Hot take, showing them as being a family who loves each other wouldn't be white washing, that's canon and essentially written as their most if not only redeemable trait. While there Harry becomes the leader of the school. "D-did you just collar me?" I love the reclamation of Black Magic, the author has written some pretty awesome fics! So, most likely case scenario, Dumbledore gets an excuse to spy on the Malfoys under the guise of checking up on Harry every once and a while. How will a more magically versed and politically skilled Harry change the course of the story? Once she gets confirmation of his wellbeing, leans in even further and whispers to him about one last Horcrux. Draco attends his final year at Hogwarts after a falling out with his parents, hoping that Hermione will finally notice him. Seamus and Dean reunite in the Room of Requirement. Protect Draco. And what he gets is a future Death Eater. Third-year, Sirius escapes from prison and is seemingly after Harry. She only knew the location of one, the goblet in the Lestrange family vault, but if Harry at least knows the identity of the Horcruxes, it might give him more of a fighting chance to find them. Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080151968:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 8 | Words: 35,406 | Reviews: 1,856 | Favs: 1,366 | Follows: 2,151 | Updated: 9/6 | Published: 7/19 | id: 12058516 | Language: English | Genre: Family/Drama | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G., Sirius B., Dorea Black/Potter | Download: [EPUB][140220080151968:epub] or [MOBI][140220080151968:mobi] [140220080151968:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140220080151968:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12058516&source=ff&filetype=epub [140220080151968:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12058516&source=ff&filetype=mobi. Through Theodora's kindness, Severus gradually learns how to love and accept himself and falls in love with her as she helps him raise his son. Part I complete. She manages to keep a straight face as she asks after her other son, whom she hadnt seen yet in all the chaos. "Temos um problema". By the time Jily had had Harry, James parents were both dead and he had no siblings. At least that's what he thought. If one daughter remembered her families strength? Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080348464:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 69 | Words: 234,225 | Reviews: 4,506 | Favs: 6,471 | Follows: 6,557 | Updated: 4/18/2013 | Published: 11/30/2010 | id: 6518287 | Language: English | Genre: Family | Characters: Harry P., Sirius B. The girl now called Hermione, whom he and his family saved from the darkness that was the witch hunts. At least, not yet. Then one day, on a whim, he decided to check on his brothers godson. But Harry's rejection hurt his ego too much and he couldn't let that 'humiliation' go for the next 6-7 years. Severus really just wanted a scotch. Regulus Black is completely uninterested in non-platonic relationships. Recently my uncle started beating me up for something I didn't do and locked me in my room for 1 and a half week with no food or water. Enter them here!" and our My Googlefu failed. "Wrong answer." Mas olhando a foto do seu cativeiro, Steve sabia que o monstro rugindo em seu peito queria justia por seu sangue. Theodora was the sunshine that Severus needed in his gloomy life and he was crestfallen when he suddenly lost contact with her after graduation. They were fake but believed that you were lily potter son. Unaware to even Dumbledore, an upheaval is approaching. Yeah, right. Harry walks up to Voldemort with his head held high, ready to face death. Draco did try to make friends with him at first. "Malfoy, I must insist you step aside." "I don't think so Ryuu" "She's mine." "She doesn't belong to you" "Not yet" "Not ever. Sirius biological parents are RIGHT out, and Regulus is dead, so thats a no go. Ron is shocked that Harry even lives with the Malfoys, but after a train ride full of sweets and laughter, Ron and Draco both realize that maybe their parents perception of the others family is wrong. I don't mind incomplete, though obviously complete would be awesome. 9 Kudos: 83 Bookmarks: 22 Hits: When I broke apart she saw me crying, she wiped my tears away with her thumb and I told her it felt real nice to have an actual family. The snake. Harry would be safe. When everything went wrong, Andromeda Tonks helps Hermione and Draco to make everything right -by sending them to another time.Also posted in fanfiction . Hes a blood traitor. The Dark Lord is back, it's their O.W.L. It would be more logical for them to take Harry in if they didn't think Voldemort was coming back---because they would then have some reasons to take Harry in. Harry Potter is finally "' ' . I have tried to read They Shook Hands, but it didn't hold my interest. Moments later, Ron comes by and asks to sit. She would desperately like to reconcile her family with her friends, but she knows she'd only end up losing Harry and Ron if they knew who she went home to every holiday. Suggestions? She is thrown into the midst of a chaotic world that does not deal in her neat boxes of black and white absolutes, but includes all the shades of grey, blurring the lines she had so clearly established for her life and moral compass. Era a primeira vez que ele o via to srio- eles a chamavam de Agente 13. -Weasely!Bashing (Minus Bill,Charlie and the twins) Harry had joined the Auror Department and had been working tirelessly to capture the remaining Death Eaters who had evaded justice. When HYDRA sends The Winter Soldier to bring them the four-year-old Boy Who Lived, the outcome is not what they expected. New in this version: Slim recommendations using ffnbot!slim! (Eventual Harry/Hermione) Rated M for language, violence, and sexual scenes. **Canon rewrite where Voldemort never returned at the end of 4th year. -Gay Thirty-one winter moments over the years between Fred and Hermione. The one where Hermione needs Harry to be safe. Not until she has the information she needs to take the Dark Lord down. I ate everything like I never eaten before and then thanked her. The story starts when Sirius breaks out of Azkaban, and goes to Grimmauld Place thinking its empty. This way Regulus gets to avoid romance, Narcissa gets to avoid men, and the boys have two parents with a healthy dynamic. He doesnt want a second war ripping his family apart, even if it means distancing himself from his brother temporarily to make sure that doesnt happen. And for some reason, the blond man turned around again. RegulusLives!AU. Certainly he had lost more than a few, but Harry Potter was still alive and well. Celestia Eleanor Young is the newest generation of the Pure-blood Young family of Singapore. This is the unfinished one that I enjoyed: http://archiveofourown.org/works/675566/chapters/1236617, Both in progress but authors are very strong.linkffn(Reclamation of Black Magic)linkffn(Like Brothers by Colubrina), The Reclamation of Black Magic by ShayaLonnie. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. From being blinded at age 3, and living with the Dursley's till age 6 before she was rescued and taken from their custody, finding out about her true parentage. "____, "What would have happened if I didn't bounce? Draco Malfoy goes i Harry Potter knows the truth behind his life that is full of lies and betrayal. This is the bit of information that she needed. [EDIT] Found the fic thanks to another Redditor. After I finished eating I started asking questions, "Why did you bring me here? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13430926/1/How-Like-Hatred, This fic kind of has that in opposite (the Malfoys find out that Harry is actually a biological Malfoy), but it definitely doesn't whitewash their actions and in the fic iirc Lucius and Narcissa are really forced to evaluate their biases. AU. They disguised him as Sirius' squib child from a gold-digger and took him in. Now, as they are starting their 5th year, tensions and emotions are running high. Regulus Black has survived so long on his cunning and ambition and wit. Harry forms Dumbledores Army and Draco joins. But, she also has a big target on her back since she married a muggle-born. Minerva McGonagall steps in on the awful night the Potter are killed and arranges to have Harry Potter raised by Sirius Black and his somewhat cousins, the Malfoys. Although it pains her to, she pretends to cut the boys out of her life. Any story where Harry is raised by the Malfoy's or is taken under their wing upon entering the wizarding world. You'd be a perfect Slytherin if it weren't for your blood. She melts herself down filling in the cracks of her friends, her chosen family, her worlds. They are the canon Malfoys (mostly). But, this is Dumbledore making the decision and although his main motivation is to keep Harry safe, he also cant help but think that maybe this is also an opportunity for him to spy on the other side. She was kind, smart, funny, brave and a little bit cunning and arrogant. Linkffn(Growing Up Black) has some of that. There has to be a way to clear his uncles name. I leaned against the door for support and my uncle and aunt came running towards the door including my cousin. harry is a lord many times Top Tom Riddle Mpreg After the battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter is framed for the murder of Arthur Weasley and sentenced to life in Azkaban. She spent almost her whole life in Hogwarts, living her life in shadows, hidi Ron leaves after the war to avoid the girl who broke his heart. Itll be the first time that he wont be sharing a room with his adoptive brother. It pains Narcissa to watch her two boys fight the way they are, but she reminds herself of her mission and hopes that one day they forgive her for her deceit. But when he gets let into the Gryffindor common room to hang out, hes Draco. Draco and Harry are 'soulmates' but their relationship is purely platonic for most of the fic. What could be if one daughter was not crazy? He prefers it that way. I looked at the Malfoys and Mrs.Malfoy had a shock look on her face while Mr.Malfoy was glaring at my uncle for what he said, I turned to look at my aunt and uncle, my aunt was smiling along with my uncle and my cousin almost had a sad face that I was going to be leaving. Soon, he learns that he is actually a Malfoy, the younger brother of Draco Malfoy. Adult-fanfiction.org And yet, Harry soon will find out, there is more to the man than that. Rated Mature: For Depictions of Violence, Torture, Implied Assaults etc. He also spends the entire summer hearing whispers of a plan to ensure the return of the Voldemort. Harry and Draco become fast friends. Lucius and Narcissa are sweet and loving parents as well. Regulus has to juggle the threat of the remaining horcruxes remaining out there, a meddlesome Albus Dumbledore who has taken an unusual interest in Harry, and a batty house elf named Kreature. Everything had gone to plan, Dumbledore had seen the end of the First Wizarding War. Harry deserves more. She never once thought that she was making the wrong choice when she turned spy against him, but at that moment, as the Dark Lord asked her specifically to check the body, the body of the boy he knew shed raised from an infant, she realized that not only had she not made the wrong choice. Without even a single year of schooling, everyone would understand that no matter how poor or great Harry was as a wizard, his name would be worth having as your political ally. Hes excited at first to make his family proud, but then when Harry is sorted after him and into Gryffindor, hes disappointed. Angered and suspicious at the lack of response he had gone in search of the elves. Harry goes to a different school and has lots of friends. net under the name httpsgica. And eventually Ron. What he didn't expect was being stuck raising his brother's godson. Le sigh. -Child abuse I bit my lip Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but what if the story of Hogwarts was different? He lived long enough to see his brother arrested and imprisoned without trial. So when you were born, we gave you to the Potters to raise you, only to have the dark lord trying to kill you but killed him self with his own spell after he tried to kill you, you were our son. and most importantly, 'Why does everyone treat squibs so terribly? He tried---and I am sure that he thought he was being very kind and generous, because he was offering Harry the very things that Draco himself would value, phrased in ways that he himself would have liked them phrased. Draco and Harry grow up as almost brothers and everything - everything - is different. I always thought that Draco should have acted a bit more ambitious when meeting Harry and tried harder to recruit Harry as an ally than he did. He picks Lucius Malfoy as the obvious worst choice. -Self harm Well, Bellatrix Lestrange is also RIGHT out because shes batshit crazy and also in Azkaban. By the time Dumbledore reaches the graveyard, Voldemort is back, but he escapes without a trace. Remus engasgou, o rosto plido, olhos dourados e a voz trmula. " I like the idea of a Durmstrang story but not so keen on the rest of it. I moaned softly as my walls stretched around Skylar's member feeling how big she was. Sirius loves a good game of spin the bottle or at least he did until it landed on the person he wants to kiss the most, but cant. At the end of the year, Dumbledore is dead. If she stayed in contact with them, the Dark Lord would see right through her subterfuge. Summary Emma has been best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione for 4 years. But when two magically inexplicable orphans show up and somehow resurrect him- well, what else was he supposed to do? She makes the connection that the diary her husband had slipped Ginny Weasley four years ago had to have been one. So is the Dark Lord. The adoptive kinship. Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling; Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s) . They give off an aura of wealth and power. Prestige: Harry is a trophy to parade around to show off their ability to get whatever they want---including the custody of the Boy-Who-Lived. The boy from the robe shop, along with a couple who must be his parents. There was one where malfoy adopted harry and sent harry and draco to durmstrang and the two ran away after lucy tried to sacrifice harry and they went to hogwarts. "Because you're being a bitch, yeah" He was then pinned to the wall 18+ ONLY frnkvnm 2015 To Draco shes everything hes wanted and could never have. Severus Snape receives a news that surprised him. You cannot paste images directly. So, when James sacrifices himself for Harry and Lily, a bond is made. Severus Snape and Theodora Blaise were undeniably close during their time together at Hogwarts. A prophecy? . The remaining Death Eaters are operating on their own, and Hermione is helping them in their endeavors, but they aren't using that name. She has done well at making herself invaluable to the Dark Lord and one night she hears him mention a bit of old magic. Due to my surprise it was the Malfoys, just before Mr.Malfoy speaks my uncle yelled at me saying "BOY, WHO IS IT?!?" The blond haired man sneered scornfully and brushed Harry out of the way, muttering under his breath, "Stupid muggles." Harry's eyes flashed, although he knew that rebelliousness only ever lead to bad things, and he reigned in his temper. Note: Harry and Neville will eventually somewhat redeem themselves I really wanted to show how charismatic funny abusers especially at first can end up getting the friends/damaging previously strong relationships. The healers/officers praised Lucius and doesn't believe he's a Death Eater because he's so supportive of his wife's "new project." 'Hello Harry, I'm Thomas Potterand I want nothing to do with you.' Now if you will excuse us" "Now is that any way to treat an old friend?" Hermione looked a little confused. He hears Wormtails name. They need to get the prophesy before Voldemort does and although Sirius hates the idea, Harry is the only one who can retrieve it. Regulus intended to stop the Dark Lord himself, but for some reason he's driven to share his discovery with his brother - a choice that saves his life. I'm looking for this fic wherein the Malfoys adopted toddler Harry after finding him abused by the Dursleys. My cousin Dudley has been nice to me ever since I saved him from the dementors but only when my aunt and uncle are not here otherwise he puts on a act whenever they are in the room. Theodora helps Severus raise Harry, who he adopted after Lily and James died. He had to be protected: He was essential to their side of the war. For example. If one son didn't die? In the canon they are a family that deeply cares for each other. You are a difficult case, dear child. Regulus Black is not one to sit back and listen to an old man about what is best for his son, the son he shares with the loves of his life James & Lily. Not by the tone of voice or the way you pronounce the sounds. -Granger!Bashing They only want to be friends with him because of his last name. After getting sent back to the past by an upset Fate. Not anymore. The next events take place in a blur. No! Four-year-old Luna has been able to see lights her whole life- and when both of her parents die in an explosive magical accident, she decides to grab on to one of the lights and follow it. The secret Blood Traitor of the family, best friends with George Weasley, utterly hated by his twin brother, Fred. Then Mr.Malfoy said "How dare you speak like that to our son?!?!" If her sons could be courageous enough to stand up against Voldemort, then so could she. He's three years older than m CARVALLE: School of Supernaturals [BxB] 18+. Covering all their expenses and more, Cygnus only has one condition. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (31), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (2), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series) (2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (14), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, International Confederation of Wizards (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter are Siblings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Severus Snape & Harry Potter - Relationship, Original Fawley Family Characters (Harry Potter), Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), minor Hermione Granger/Victor Krum - Relationship, Triwizard Tournament Happens Differently (Harry Potter), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott/Gregory Goyle, Gregory Goyle Did Not Have A Happy Home Life, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Potter, Background Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, background James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger is a Member of the Potter Family, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Hermione Granger & James Potter are Siblings, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Arcturus Black II | Arthur Weasley's Grandfather, Hermione Granger is a Member of the House of Black. It causes a huge rift between Draco and Rons friendship, even though Draco had gone with them to rescue Ginny. (Early-canon Hermione had a similar problem when dealing with Ron and Harry, by the way.). This was the information that could take him down. _________________________________________________________. But they were not things that Harry valued, and his phrasing came off as arrogant at best. MoonProngsletSiriusHarry. Regulus had nothing left to live for. Description may change in future, I'm not happy with it and it was rushed. Legend and myth give the stars above their names, and we simply learn their stories as a means of entertainment. To stand up against Voldemort, then so could she further and to..., which is the safe house for the next movement believed that you were Lily Potter son diary her had. Filling in the Dursley home became too much ; Malfoy, the author updated just last March after six.! 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