nysdec togs groundwater standards

Addendum to TOGS 1.1.1: Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values and Groundwater Effluent Limitations (PDF) Revision of TOGS 1.3.7: Analytical Detectability and Quantitation Guidelines for Selected Environmental Parameters (PDF) New TOGS 1.3.13: Permitting Strategy for Implementing Guidance Values for PFOA, PFOS, and 1,4-Dioxane (PDF) endstream endobj startxref These factors should be discussed in a Groundwater Assessment Report. October 1990 Edition, 1.3.1 Total Maximum Daily Loads & Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits (PDF) For example, subjects related to the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination (SPDES) Permits are grouped first followed by groupings related to groundwater, water quantity, other technical and administrative subjects. The SVOCs detected in the groundwater sample collected within soil boring SB-4 may have been biased high due to turbidity during sample collection. The information contained on this website is not the official version of the Compilation of the Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR). TOGS 1.1.1 is the DOW's mechanism to establish guidance values. OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. The former Bulk Storage TOGS have been renamed SPOTS (Spill Prevention Operational and Technical Series). ***Public Comment Period Extended to December 6, 2021*** 8P.;3W+T1cDb!eBy>D>:?>fshAY8\ lZTR2. November 2008 Edition, 1.2.1 Industrial Permit Writing (PDF) Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. (leaves DEC website) The classification of individual bodies of surface water is in regulation 6 NYCRR Chapter X (Parts 800 - 941). The public comment period has been extended to December 6, 2021. . The document suggests how states and authorized tribes can conduct online public hearings in lieu of in-person public hearings, consistent with federal public hearing requirements. Draft revisions of TOGS 1.3.7: Analytical Detectability and Quantitation Guidelines for Selected Environmental Parameters will guide the selection of analytical testing methods where approved methods are limited or unavailable. 6 NYCRR Part 702. and Guidance Values and Groundwater Effluent Limitations. The full text of the draft TOGS documents and additional information are available on the DEC website or by contacting by mail: NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233-3500, ATTN: Michelle Tompkins, phone by calling (518) 402-8233, e-mail at AWQVinformation@dec.ny.gov. Solid waste management facility requirements landfill closures; C&D landfill requirements; used oil; medical waste; etc. November 1988 Edition, 1.6.3 Combined Sewer Overflows (PDF) 0 Several Technical and Operational Guidance Series (TOGS) are relevant to water quality standards: This page is available in other languages, Water Reclassification Request Form (PDF), Organization and Delegation Memorandum Number 85-40, Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Saline Water Reclassification and Water Quality Standards Updates, DEC Releases DRAFT Guidance Values to Advance New York State's Regulation of Emerging Contaminants PFOA, PFOS, and 1,4-Dioxane, Reclassification of St. Lawrence River Drainage Basin, Tables of Milestones for Nutrient Criteria. The GSLs for metals were selected as the greater of the NYSDEC TOGS 1.1.1 Class GA Groundwater Quality Standards or background concentrations in groundwater as documented in Appendix E of . August 2005 Edition July 1996 Edition, 5.1.4 Official County & Minor Civil Divisions Population Projections (PDF) April 1987 Edition Superceded by TOGS 1.2.1, 1.3.4. New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permitting program which included a kick-off meeting at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Regional office in New Paltz, NY on August 28, 2018 and an on-site, file review visit to the NYSDEC Central office in Albany, NY on September 26 and 27, 2018. EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. January 1999 Errata Sheet (PDF) Contact Alexander J. Smith at alexander.smith@dec.ny.gov, Chief, Standards and Analytical Support Section. (b) The following guidance typically applies to the remedy selection process conducted in accordance with Chapter 4. This page lists some of the Standards, Criteria and Guidance documents used in the remediation program. Integrated Compliance Strategy System (PDF), Compliance/Enforcement of SPDES Permits (PDF), Sewer Moratorium on New Connections to POTWs (PDF), Guidelines for Staffing Wastewater Treatment Plants, Groundwater Contamination Remediation Strategy (PDF), UIR at Groundwater Remediation Sites (PDF), Primary and Principal Aquifers Determinations (PDF), Dam Safety Inspection & Remediation Procedures (PDF), Guidance for Dam Engineering Assessment Reports (PDF), Processing Water Withdrawal Permit Applications - May 25, 2017 (PDF), Engineer's Reports; Applications for Water Supply and L.I. The proposed remedial action will consist of: Preparation of a Community Protection Statement and performance of all required NYC VCP Citizen Participation activities according to an approved Citizen Participation Plan. 61 0 obj <> endobj Procedures for Derivation of Site-Specific Standards and Guidance Values for Protection of Aquatic Life (PDF), Procedures for Derivation of Bioaccumulation Factors (PDF), Procedures for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values for the Protection of Wildlife (PDF), Interpretation Guidance for Marine Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) The letter classifications and their best uses are described in regulation 6 NYCRR Part 701. This is not a policies and procedures manual system, but rather, a vehicle to provide timely, detailed guidance to water program staff. (link leaves DEC's website) In the absence of established water quality standards, numeric guidance values are derived and compiled in Division of Water guidance (TOGS 1.1.1 [PDF]). The TOGS memos are numbered and arranged by subject matter. This page is available in other languages, Remediation Guidance and Policy Documents, Technical Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation (DER-10), Index of Standards, Criteria and Guidance (SCGs) for Investigation and Remediation of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites (Links Page), 6 NYCRR Part 371 - Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes, 6 NYCRR Part 375 - Environmental Remediation Programs (December 2006), 6 NYCRR Parts 700-706 - Water Quality Standards, 6 NYCRR Part 182 - Endangered & Threatened Species of Fish & Wildlife, 6 NYCRR Part 608 - Use and Protection of Waters, 6 NYCRR Part 661 - Tidal Wetlands - Land Use Regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 663 - Freshwater Wetlands Maps and Classification, 10 NYCRR Part 5 of the State Sanitary Code - Drinking Water Supplies (May 1998), 29 CFR Part 1910.120 - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, 6 NYCRR Part 175 - Special Licenses and Permits--Definitions and Uniform Procedures, TOGS 1.1.1 - Ambient Water Quality Standards & Guidance Values and Groundwater Effluent Limitations, Fish and Wildlife Impact Analysis for Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites (October 1994), Screening and Assessment of Contaminated Sediment (June 2014), Niagara River Biota Contamination Project: Fish Flesh Criteria for Piscivorus Wildlife (July 1987), Wildlife Toxicity Assessment for Cadmium in Soils (May 1999), DAR-1 - Guidelines for the Control of Toxic Ambient Air Contaminants, The 10 ppt Health Advisory Guideline for 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Sportfish Flesh, The 1 ppm Health Advisory Guideline for Cadmium in Sportfish Flesh, Criteria for the Development of Health Advisories for Sportfish Consumption, NYSDOH Indoor Air Sampling & Analysis Guidance (August 8, 2001 or subsequent update), NYSDOH Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion in the State of New York (draft October 2004 or subsequent revisions), 6 NYCRR Part 376 - Land Disposal Restrictions, 6 NYCRR Part 663 - Freshwater Wetlands - Permit Requirements, 6 NYCRR Parts 700-706 - Water Quality Standards (June 1998), 19 NYCRR Part 600 - Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources, CP-43 - Groundwater Monitoring Well Decommissioning Policy (November 2009), TAGM 3028 - "Contained In" Criteria for Environmental Media: Soil Action Levels (August 1997), Freshwater Wetlands Regulations - Guidelines on Compensatory Mitigation (October 1993), Air Guide 1 - Guidelines for the Control of Toxic Ambient Air Contaminants, Technical Guidance for Screening Contaminated Sediments (January 1999), USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Directive 9355.047FS Presumptive Remedies: Policy and Procedures (September 1993), USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Directive 9355.048FS Presumptive Remedies: Site Characterization and Technology Selection for CERCLA sites with Volatile Organic Compounds in Soils (September 1993), USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Directive 9355.049FS Presumptive Remedy for CERCLA Municipal Landfills (September 1993), 6 NYCRR Part 612 - Registration of Petroleum Storage Facilities (February 1992), 6 NYCRR Part 613 - Handling and Storage of Petroleum (February 1992), 6 NYCRR Part 614 - Standards for New and Substantially Modified Petroleum Storage Tanks (February 1992), 6 NYCRR Part 371 - Identification and Listing of Hazardous Wastes (November 1998), 6 NYCRR Subpart 374-2 - Standards for the Management of Used Oil (November 1998), 40 CFR Part 280 - Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks, STARS #1 - Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Guidance Policy, STARS #2 - Biocell and Biopile Designs for Small-Scale Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Projects, Permanent Closure of Petroleum Storage Tanks (July 1988), NYSDOH Environmental Health Manual CSFP-530 - "Individual Water Supplies - Activated Carbon Treatment Systems", 40 CFR Part 144 - Underground Injection Control Program, 12 NYCRR Part 56 - Industrial Code Rule 56 (Asbestos), 6 NYCRR Part 361 - Siting of Industrial Hazardous Waste Facilities, 6 NYCRR Part 372 - Hazardous Waste Manifest System and Related Standards for Generators, Transporters and Facilities (November 1998), 6 NYCRR Subpart 373-4 - Facility Standards for the Collection of Household Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Waste from Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators, 6 NYCRR Subpart 374-1 - Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities (November 1998), 6 NYCRR Subpart 374-3 - Standards for Universal Waste (November 1998), 6 NYCRR Part 750 through 758 - Implementation of NPDES Program in NYS (SPDES Regulations), Citizen Participation in New York's Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Program: A Guidebook (June 1998), TOGS 1.3.8 - New Discharges to Publicly Owned Treatment Works, TOGS 2.1.2 - Underground Injection/Recirculation (UIR) at Groundwater Remediation Sites, OSWER Directive 9200.4-17 - Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites (November 1997), CP-43 - Groundwater Monitoring Well Decommissioning Procedures (November 2009), CP-51 - Soil Cleanup Guidance (October 2010), The activity is a component of a program selected by a process complying with the public participation requirements of section 1.10, to the extent applicable. The best use of Class GA groundwater and Class A, A-Special, AA, and AA-Special surface waters is a source of potable water supply. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Mr. Eric Wohlers, Cattaragus County Health Department Mr. Robert Boucher, U.S. Army Corps of . Presented are water quality standards in effect for Clean Water Act (CWA) purposes for this state. Forms to be used during construction for compliance with the SPDES GP for Construction Activity GP--15-002: 245-247 Driggs Avenue Subsurface Investigation and Brooklyn, NY Geotechnical Engineering Report 2 July 2013 REMEDIAL ACTION WORK PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS REMEDIAL ACTION WORK PLAN . 3-0301[2][m], 15-0313,17-0301, The proposed GVs are shown in the table below. Surface Water, and Groundwater Discharges New York State regulations for activities associated with hazardous waste . January 2008 Edition, 1.3.3 SPDES Permit Development for POTWs (PDF) The classifications of all water body segments in New York State are contained in 6NYCRR Parts 800-941. The objective of the 305(b) Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring project is to quantify and report on ambient groundwater quality from bedrock and glacial-drift aquifers in upstate New York. Empowers NYSDEC to apply and enforce guidance where there is no promulgated standard, 700 - Definitions, Samples and Tests; 701 - Classifications Surface Waters and Groundwaters; 702 - Derivation and Use of Standards and Guidance Values; 703 - Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Standards and Groundwater Effluent Standards, Presents hazardous material guidance including Fish and Wildlife impact Analysis and the Technical Screening of Contaminated Sediments, Lists endangered, threatened species and species of special concern and prohibits taking except under permit, Protect certain classified streams permits for impoundments, structures, dredge, and fill, Limit/preclude excavation, filling, regrading in vegetated tidal wetlands or portions of adjacent areas, Procedural requirements for various activities in wetlands and adjacent areas and standards for permit issuance, Depicts and delineates freshwater wetlands, Provides for optional local regulatory authority regarding use and development of freshwater wetlands, Procedural requirements for administration and management of the wild, scenic and recreational rivers, Includes a listing of DAR guidance including Air guide One - Guidelines for the Control of Toxic Ambient Air Contaminants, Prohibits contravention of AAQS or causes air pollution, Prohibits construction and/or operation without a permit and/or certificate, Prohibits emissions which are injurious to human, plant, or animal life or causes a nuisance, Requirement for stationary combustion installations, Requirements for non-attainment areas and ozone transport regions. Statutory authority: Environmental Conservation Law, These draft guidance values would be included in a 2021 addendum to the June 1998 Division of Water Technical and Operational Guidance Series (TOGS) No. stream Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors, Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care, All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety. Please note: As a result of reorganization within DEC, the Bulk Storage TOGS (4.1.1 through 4.1.13) were transferred from the Division of Water to the Division of Environmental Remediation. Title 1 Department of Agriculture and Markets. (b) The following guidance typically applies to UST closures conducted in accordance with section 5.5. With Chapter 4 ( PDF ) Share sensitive information only on official, websites! Users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy selection process conducted accordance... 15-0313,17-0301, the proposed GVs are shown in the Groundwater sample collected within boring! 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