trinexapac ethyl trade names

), do not apply. LOAEL = 357 mg/kg/day, based on elevated serum cholesterol values in females, mucoid feces in females and bloody feces in both sexes, and minimal, focal vacuolation of the dorsal medial hippocampus and/or lateral midbrain in both sexes. Table 2.2.3, Tolerance Summary for Trinexapac-ethyl summarizes these differences on page 8 of the document, Trinexapac-ethyl: Human Health Risk Assessment for the Section 3 Registration Action on Cereal Grains, Sugarcane, and Grasses Grown for Seed which is located in docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0524. This can result in an increase in the crop yield by redirecting energy to seed production in cereal crops. 02/28/2023, 828 documents in the last year, by the Employment and Training Administration The finer the spray particle size, the more uptake and suppression you're likely to get. Application of Palidsade or Palisade plus Tilt resulted in numeric reductions in lodging scores at Stillwater, but the result were too variable to result in statistical significance. documents in the last year, 940 Statutory and Executive Order Reviews, PART 180TOLERANCES AND EXEMPTIONS FOR PESTICIDE CHEMICAL RESIDUES IN FOOD,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,, Health considerations on Since tolerances and exemptions that are established on the basis of a petition under section 408(d) of FFDCA, such as the tolerance in this final rule, do not require the issuance of a proposed rule, the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. A . Trinexapac-ethyl is classified as Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans. The combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study in the rat did not demonstrate an increase in any tumor type that would be relevant to humans. Molecular and physiological responses of Iranian Perennial . Bethany Benbow, Registration Division (7505P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. EPA determines whether acute and chronic dietary pesticide exposures are safe by comparing aggregate exposure estimates to the aPAD and cPAD. Soil metabolism of trinexapac-ethyl yields the major metabolite trinexapac, mineralisation to CO. 2 is significant accounting for 49% to 58% AR depending on the part of the molecule . 2. Disclaimer: The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. Comments were received on the notice of filing. LOC for MOE = 100. EPA is revising the tolerance expression to include the free and conjugated forms of the parent (trinexapac-ethyl) and acid. Well closed. Please note that, to comply with Canada's . Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Application of Palidsade or Palisade plus Tilt resulted in numeric reductions in lodging scores at Stillwater in 2013, but the result were too variable to result in statistical significance. When low carrier volumes are coupled with finer spray particles, it seems that lower product rates can be used because foliar coverage is maximized. Response to Syngenta's Rebuttal to Plant-back Interval Trinexapac-ethyl End Use Label (Palisade 2EC) and Acceptance Trinexapac-ethyl End Use Label (Palisade EC) and Acceptance Trinexapac-ethyl Technical Label and Letter of Acceptance. Open for Comment, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Electric Vehicle Standards and Requirements, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. Contacts. This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of trinexapac-ethyl in or on multiple commodities which are identified and discussed later in this document. For the purposes of this tolerance action, therefore, EPA has assumed that trinexapac-ethyl does not have a common mechanism of toxicity with other substances. 346a, any person may file an objection to any aspect of this regulation and may also request a hearing on those objections. 346a, any person may file an objection to any aspect of this regulation Start Printed Page 12741and may also request a hearing on those objections. No lodging occurred in 2014 regardless of treatment. Chastain, M.P. documents in the last year, 36 Garbacik, Chun-hui Ma, and C.W. This action does not involve any technical standards that would require Agency consideration of voluntary consensus standards pursuant to section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. // -->, A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names, InChI=1S/C13H16O5/c1-2-18-13(17)8-5-9(14)11(10(15)6-8)12(16)7-3-4-7/h7-8,16H,2-6H2,1H3, ethyl 4-(cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate. My best hypothesis is that the treated plots lodged later than the non treated plots, as all plots were standing at anthesis (see picture below). 0 02/28/2023, 205 Other names: Trinexapac-ethyl, trimethylsilyl ether Permanent link for this species. documents in the last year, 1408 Add To Wish List Quick Enquiry Add To Enquiry List Any query regarding this product. Using the exposure assumptions described in this unit for chronic exposure, EPA has concluded that chronic exposure to trinexapac-ethyl from food and water will utilize 6% of the cPAD for children 1 to 2 years old, the population group receiving the greatest exposure. 801 et seq. Please store the product under the recommended conditions in the Certificate of Analysis. Because EPA's level of concern for trinexapac-ethyl is a MOE of 100 or below, these MOEs are not of concern. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 347-8072; email address: Trinexapac-ethyl can be used in many areas that can be frequented by the general population including residential areas (e.g., home lawns, recreational turf). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these types of actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). L. 104-4). 4-(cyclopropyl-hydroxy methylene)-3,5-dioxo- cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester 4-(cyclopropyl-hydroxy-methylene)-3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl esterTrinexapac-ethylethyl (RS)-4-cyclopropyl(hydroxy)methylene-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylateethyl 4-cyclopropyl(hydroxy)methylene-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate, Moddus;ethyl 4-[cyclopropyl(hydroxy)methylidene]-3,5-dioxocyclohexane-1-carboxylate;Trinexapac-ethyl. Evidence of increased susceptibility to offspring exists at or above the limit dose of the developmental and reproduction studies. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. An absence of an alert does not imply the substance has no implications for human health, biodiversity or the environment but just that we do not have the data to form a judgement. Trinexapac-ethyl is used to control the growth on various grass species and crops. Human Health Risk Assessment for the Petition to Amend the Pre-Harvest Intervals on Sugarcane. dated July 13, 2020 in the docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0046. By inhibiting gibberellin, trinexapac-ethyl treatment reduces plant height thereby reducing the tendency to lean or fall over. on While application of Palisade resulted in numeric reductions in plant height at Chickasha and Stillwater in 2013, differences among treatments were not statistically significant. Rolston, C.J. Trinexapac-ethyl is currently registered for the following uses that could result in residential exposures: Residential lawns, athletic fields, parks, and golf courses. P501 Dispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. Thus, the Agency estimates risk in terms of the probability of an occurrence of the adverse effect expected in a lifetime. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. We are conducting the same trial in 2014 along with a separate trial evaluating Palisade in drought stress environments that is partially funded by Syngenta. Common Name Trade Name(s) Amicarbazone -Xonerate 70WDG Aminoclopyrachlor -Imprelis 80DF, 2SL Aminoclopyrachlor + chlorosulfuron -Perspective . That notice referenced a summary of the petitions prepared by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., the registrant, which is available in the docket, In the rat reproduction study, reproductive toxicity was not observed, but decreased pup survival and decreased pup body weight/body-weight gain during lactation were observed above the limit dose with only reduced body weight and food consumption observed in the parental animals (>1,200 mg/kg/day). documents in the last year, by the Federal Highway Administration Occupational 5. Furthermore, the brain lesions observed in the chronic dog study were not observed in the sub-chronic dog study up to 890 mg/kg/day and are thus not likely to develop from a short-term exposure. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned It is interesting to note that the Palisade treatment increased grain yield at Perkins even though the plots lodged at comparable levels as the non treated check. Chris Hartwiger, director, USGA Course Consulting Service, Steve Kammerer, Ph.D., regional director, Addison Barden, agronomist, Information on the USGAs Course Consulting Service. Palisade did not affect lodging at Perkins. Acute exposure. 2023 United States Golf Association. Registration Review. 1.1 Name Trinexapac-ethyl 1.2 Synonyms-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate 4-((Cyclopropylhydroxymethylene) . Trinexapac-ethyl; tolerances for residues. Hangzhou,Shanghai. documents in the last year, 662 Consistent with FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(D), and the factors specified in FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(D), EPA has reviewed the available scientific data and other relevant information in support of this action. Lose the iron and calcium. The Public Inspection page Trinexapac-ethyl; tolerances for residues. Laura Wood, Senior Manager For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours . documents in the last year, 121 While every effort has been made to ensure that Keep the chemical in suitable and closed containers for disposal. In 2013 and 2014 we evaluated the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl, which is sold under the trade name Palisade. 21 U.S.C. New Documents on CAS name: ethyl 4-(cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate: CAS Reg. 21 U.S.C. The thicker the wheat crop and/or the taller the wheat crop, the more force that winds exert on the root anchorage system and the greater the likelihood of lodging. Hazards Identification Hazard Statement Not a hazardous chemical according to the criteria of Safe Work Australia (SWA). developer tools pages. Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. Ensure adequate ventilation. Recommendations may change as further research is conducted and new information is obtained. Combustible. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Finally, EPA has concluded that trinexapac-ethyl is not expected to pose a cancer risk, given the lack of evidence of carcinogenicity in the database. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice iii. Can you pronounce this word better To ensure proper receipt by EPA, you must identify docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0524 in the subject line on the first page of your submission. The USGA promotes and conserves the true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions. Furthermore, similar lesions were not observed in the rat or mouse following subchronic or chronic dietary exposure, and there was no other evidence in any species tested to indicate a neurotoxicity potential. More information and documentation can be found in our Based on the Pesticide Root Zone Model/Exposure Analysis Modeling System (PRZM/EXAMS) and Screening Concentration in Ground Water (SCI-GROW) models, the estimated drinking water concentrations (EDWCs) of trinexapac-ethyl for acute exposures are estimated to be 12.61 parts per billion (ppb) for surface water and 0.009 ppb for ground water. Lodging occurs due to a variety of factors, and as shown in the figure below, the timing of lodging will determine the final impact on grain yield. Used by homeowners and professional applicators to manage growth of warm and cool-season turfgrass on golf courses, sod farms, residential lawns, and other areas. Residential handler exposure scenarios for both dermal and inhalation are considered to be short-term only, due to the infrequent use patterns associated with homeowner products. has no substantive legal effect. Please review additional information about the docket available at Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. There are no established or proposed Codex, Canadian, or Mexican MRLs for trinexapac-ethyl in or on any food or feed crops.Start Printed Page 12745. In adult animals (rats, rabbits, mice, dogs), no systemic adverse effects are seen below the limit dose following subchronic or chronic oral exposure with the exception of dogs. trinexapac-ethyl is approved for use . rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not Provision to contain effluent from fire extinguishing. EPA considers the international maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), as required by FFDCA section 408(b)(4). daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial 1035 0 obj <>stream Helps turf withstand the seasonal stresses and is an odorless micro emulsion concentrate. Be sure to consider the method of trinexapac-ethyl application when trying to maximize effectiveness. All Rights Reserved. %PDF-1.6 % edition of the Federal Register. How can I get electronic access to other related information? If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you if (window != top) Unfortunately, iron and calcium harden water, which may reduce trinexapac-ethyl uptake into the leaf and lower growth suppression. We rated plots for lodging at harvest using a 1 10 scale with 0 equaling no lodging and 10 equaling complete lodging. Consider lowering your first application rates. documents in the last year, 474 Submit a copy of your non-CBI objection or hearing request, identified by docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0524, by one of the following methods: In the Federal Register of August 4, 2010, (75 FR 46925) (FRL-8834-9), EPA issued a notice pursuant to section 408(d)(3) of FFDCA, 21 U.S.C. Compliance with the tolerance levels is to be determined by measuring both trinexapac-ethyl, ethyl 4-(cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate and the associated metabolite trinexpac, 4-(cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid, calculated as the stoichiometric equivalent of trinexapac-ethyl. documents in the last year. on Monks, T.G. Register documents. Because this action has been exempted from review under Executive Order 12866, this action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, entitled Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) or Executive Order 13045, entitled Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), nor is it considered a regulatory action under Executive Order 13771, entitled Reducing Regulations and Controlling Regulatory Costs (82 FR 9339, February 3, 2017). Mix in manganese. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. The Codex Alimentarius is a joint U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization food standards program, and it is recognized as an international food safety standards-setting organization in trade agreements to which the United States is a party. The 90-day subchronic dog study showed decreased body weight gain and food consumption, diffuse thymic atrophy, and changes in the epithelial cells of the renal tubules at 516/582 milligrams/kilogram/day (mg/kg/day) (males/females). Agricultural Chemical. error_outlineEmergency Number01484 538 444. Section 408(b)(2)(A)(i) of FFDCA allows EPA to establish a tolerance (the legal limit for a pesticide chemical residue in or on a food) only if EPA Start Printed Page 70063determines that the tolerance is safe. Section 408(b)(2)(A)(ii) of FFDCA defines safe to mean that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the pesticide chemical residue, including all anticipated dietary exposures and all other exposures for which there is reliable information. This includes exposure through drinking water and in residential settings, but does not include occupational exposure. name for 4-(cyclopropyl--hydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester . ABSTRACT. Dietary exposure from food and feed uses. Registration EPA considers the international maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), as required by FFDCA section 408(b)(4). ).However, the seed yield responses of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) The Codex has established an MRL for trinexapac-ethyl in or on sugarcane at 0.5 ppm. SEARCH. The reasons for these are explained in Unit IV.D. documents in the last year, 1479 804(2). documents in the last year, 121 This feature is not available for this document. Aggregating chronic (or background) dietary exposure with short- and intermediate-term exposures, EPA has concluded that the combined food, water, and short- and intermediate-term residential exposures result in aggregate margins of exposures above the level of concern for all scenarios assessed and are not of concern. Section 408(b)(2)(A)(i) of FFDCA allows EPA to establish a tolerance (the legal limit for a pesticide chemical residue in or on a food) only if EPA determines that the tolerance is safe. Section 408(b)(2)(A)(ii) of FFDCA defines safe to mean that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the pesticide chemical residue, including all anticipated dietary exposures and all other exposures for which there is reliable information. This includes exposure through drinking water and in residential settings, but does not include occupational exposure. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419. ICP16009155-1 | Copyright@Qingdao ECHEMI Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Arginyl-arginyl-prolyl-tyrosyl-isoleucyl-leucine, Potassium 4-trifluoroboratomethylthiomorpholine, Spiro[isochroman-1,4'-piperidin]-3-one hydrochloride, 1,9-Bis[2-[ethyl[4-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)diazenyl]phenyl]amino]ethyl] nonanedioate, 2H-Tetrazolium, 2,3-bis(4-ethylphenyl)-5-phenyl-, chloride (1:1), high purity hot sale Trinexapac-ethyl 99% high quality see COA KANBEI, high purity hot sale Trinexapac-ethyl 99% high quality see COA KANBEI, ECHEMI - ECHEMI platform complaint penalty rules, Market Analysis - Monthly Report - July 2022- Hot Products, Price trends in the China's chemical market in the first half of 2022, Soybean Oil and Palm Oil Prices Bottom Out, The country's first "hydrolyzed zinc hyaluronate" was successfully filed, View all products of Market Price & Insight, Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates: no data available, Toxicity to microorganisms: no data available, ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, RID: Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail, IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods, IATA: International Air Transportation Association, IPCS - The International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), website:, HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank, website:, IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer, website:, eChemPortal - The Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances by OECD, website:, CAMEO Chemicals, website:, ChemIDplus, website:, ERG - Emergency Response Guidebook by U.S. Department of Transportation, website:, Germany GESTIS-database on hazard substance, website:, ECHA - European Chemicals Agency, website: EPA uses the term post-application to describe exposure to individuals that occur as a result of being in an environment that has been previously treated with a pesticide. Trinexapac-ethyl is a plant growth regulator that inhibits the biosynthesis of gibberellin. documents in the last year, 11 West Chester, PA 19381 (800) 452-9994. Section 180.662 is added to subpart C to read as follows: (a) General. Do NOT wash away into sewer. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these types of actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). by the Patent and Trademark Office DER - Trinexapac-ethyl in Water - MRIDs 49282805 & 49282806 (pdf) (238.77 KB) Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. do not apply. Trinexapac-ethyl EPA registers pesticides under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The term residential exposure is used in this document to refer to non-occupational, non-dietary exposure (e.g., for lawn and garden pest control, indoor pest control, termiticides, and flea and tick control on pets). Chronic dietary risks are below the Agency's level of concern: 6.6% of the chronic population adjusted dose (cPAD) for children 1 to 2 years old, the population group receiving the greatest exposure. on Lodging occurs due to a variety of factors, and as shown in the figure below, the timing of lodging will determine the final impact on grain yield. Further information about EPA's risk assessment and determination of safety can be found at in the document titled Trinexapac-ethyl. DEEMTM 7.81 default concentration factors were used to estimate residues of trinexapac-ethyl in processed commodities. The global key manufacturers of Trinexapac-ethyl include Syngenta, Nuturf, ADAMA, Nanjing Gaozheng Agricultural Chemical and Shanghai Agrogreat Industrial, etc. Document Drafting Handbook Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Trinexapac-ethyl Chemical Structures GB RN 1422 Trade Name LPI.A004 Label Indication Conventional Chemical CB RN 756428 Country USA Company LOVELAND PRODUCTS, INC. CAS RN 143294-89-7; 104273-73-6 Product Type Formulation IUPAC Name 4- [cyclopropyl (hydroxy)methylidene]-3,5-dioxocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid Compound Indication Trade Capacity. Manganese and trinexapac-ethyl are compatible and seem to yield higher turf growth suppression than trinexapac-ethyl and iron. that agencies use to create their documents. provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. Last updated on July 5, 2022 Collect and arrange disposal. Do not discharge to sewer systems. The extract was directly injected into the HPLC system. 11/03/2020 at 8:45 am. rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not for better understanding how a document is structured but These can be useful documents in the last year, 83 The petition requested that 40 CFR part 180.662 be amended by establishing tolerances for residues of the herbicide trinexapac-ethyl, (4-(cyclopropyl-a-hydroxy-methylene)-3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester), and its primary metabolite CGA-179500 in or on sugarcane, cane at 1.5 parts per million (ppm) and sugarcane, molasses at 5.0 ppm. National analytical Corp. is a widely famous Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Trinexapac-ethyl located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. In addition, this action does not impose any enforceable duty or contain any unfunded mandate as described under Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) (2 U.S.C. In addition, EPA periodically reevaluates pesticides to ensure their safety in light of new scientific and regulatory information. In making its tolerance decisions, EPA seeks to harmonize U.S. tolerances with international standards whenever possible, consistent with U.S. food safety standards and agricultural practices. The Docket Facility telephone number is (703) 305-5805. For non-threshold risks, the Agency assumes that any amount of exposure will lead to some degree of risk. ii. electronic version on GPOs Our results are consistent with other wheat plant growth regulator research, which has reported similar variation in response among sites and years. Boomless nozzles speed applications. Root lodging occurs when the anchorage system of a top-heavy wheat plant is weakened due to moist soil and wind provides sufficient force to overcome the rotational stiffness of the root/soil complex. Molecular Formula CHO. 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Golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions 121 trinexapac ethyl trade names feature not! ) -3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester, DC 20460-0001 ; telephone number: ( a ) General last updated July. Results are consistent with other wheat plant growth regulator research, which is sold under recommended. Trinexapac-Ethyl are compatible and seem to yield higher turf growth suppression than trinexapac-ethyl and iron Add to Enquiry any. Ethyl 4- ( cyclopropyl -- hydroxymethylene ) -3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester developmental and reproduction studies ensure safety... Widely famous Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of trinexapac-ethyl located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India,... How can I get electronic access to other related information game of golf embodied! Trinexapac-Ethyl EPA registers pesticides under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act ( 5.. 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